Bridget Zapata
Mental Fitness Coach
Helping growth-minded people
take action with power and clarity
in work, play, and love.
Take action with power and clarity.
My coaching helps you listen to your wisest self and cut through the noise that can cloud your judgment.
What is mental fitness coaching?
“Mental fitness” is the proactive practice of training your mind. With practice, you will:
be better able to recognize and act upon unhelpful thoughts
build awareness and acceptance of feelings and emotions so you can consciously decide how you want to respond
strengthen your interpersonal connections and communication
improve your relationship with yourself and clarify your decision making
A mental fitness coach helps you develop mental habits and practices by helping identify the areas to improve, noticing patterns or assumptions that might be holding you back, maintaining a safe environment for you to explore complex thoughts and feelings, holding you accountable to your goals, and always being on your side in your development.
I take a non-judgmental, lighthearted, and caring approach, working with you to listen to your wisest self.
Learn more about what it looks like to work with me.
What does success look like after working with a coach?
you are able to make life decisions and take action from a place of power and clarity where you are guided by your wisest self
you are accountable to yourself and your goals without feeling like you have to “push,” “fight,” or “put up with” the process in taking the next steps
you have a deeper understanding of yourself and how your nature plays out in all facets of your life
you appreciate and embrace where you are right now while also being motivated for continued growth
Who do you work with?
Mental fitness for life transitions: I work with individuals who are gearing up for a life transition, in the midst of it, or coming out of a life change. Some transitions I have supported clients through include:
getting ready to return to work after parental leave
leaving a current job and finding a new one
going through a rocky period in a romantic relationship
preparing for a breakup and processing the end of a relationship
starting a new business
starting graduate school
creating a new exercise and wellness lifestyle
becoming an empty nester
Mental fitness for athletic pursuits: As a competitive runner and Olympic Trial Marathon qualifier, my training is not limited to just developing my physical fitness.
Mental fitness is key to my success and my experience growing as an athlete.
I support other athletes in developing their mental fitness to reach their physical, emotional, and spiritual potential through their sport.

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